Saturday, November 22, 2008

8th chemo +4 days

Hi everyone!

I derogate from the list of topics mentioned in the previous blog because I wanted to tell the story of this chemo. As usual this chemo has its peculiarities. First, I had an allergic reaction during treatment. The nursing staff is accustomed to this but Marie-Josee found it quite impressive to see me red like a lobster with a nice swelling on the forehead. When you see this you start to ask yourself if you are going to stop tolerating the treatments. As you know chemo is "it" for me. If I was not be able to take it I would be pretty Fuc... Uh, stuck. So a small shot of Benadryl and the reaction was gone. Naturally I dosed off like it or not. The next time the Benadryl will come immediately before oxaliplatin.

Another particularity this time is that the tingling in the hands are very present. Much more than the last time when I concentrated my visualization exercizes on the reduction of this side effect.
The last story is about my markers. They had forgotten to measure them in my blood samples of Monday. So Tuesday before chemo, my nurse asked for two other samples of blood because the markers were due. The result did not come out before we left the hospital Tuesday so we called Friday for the results. The disclosure of these results must be made by the doctor, since he could not call us on Friday, we had to wait until Saturday. We had begun to worry a bit. Is he not calling because the results are not positive? Friday night when Marie-Josee raised the topic I told her: "Forget it, if it was important he would call, no news is good news". When he called Saturday he gave us the following results: CEA @ 7 and CA-125 @ 17. The latest measures were respectively 10.6 and 16. A level of 5 and less is considered normal for CEA and under 35 for the CA-125. I am at the door to have both markers in the normal range of the general population. We are very encouraged. What happened to my tumours? I do not know but I can tell you that I look forward to the month of January for my new images.

Have a great weekend!

Monday, November 17, 2008


3 / 4 of the first round of chemo. Tomorrow in fact, because that is when I get the 8th treatment. 8 of 12 treatments completed ... still a while to go. I admit that in recent weeks I have had some mental fatigue. It is as if I had just understood that I have to stick with the treatments for a while still. Foolish no? It's a bit why I have not written much lately. It is as if unconsciously I wanted to pretend that I do not have cancer. I went about my occupation without thinking of the hospital, the treatments etc. So I couldn't find things to say on the blog. Finally, the arrival of the next chemo brought me back to reality. I made a list of topics on which I will write in the days to come:
-Our dinner at the restaurant Trattoria Mundo
-My last conversation with my oncologist
-Visualization workshops
-I 've asked Marie-Josee to write the adventure of organizing my birthday
-Our next trip to New York (26 to 30 November)
-The 7 habits of Stephen Covey (it will come)

So don't let me down, I will continue to write even if a break from time to time is necessary. Have a great day!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Video: African drums

Here it is finally.

Some of you let me know subtlely that you were impatient to see the video. It lasts about 7 minutes when the actual raw footage is about 30 minutes long. I had to pick and choose clips to show you. I hope you'll like it and don't forget to pumo up the volume.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What a party!

Hello all,
I know some of you were beginning to ask questions. Is he sick or too tired to write? None of the above. This week I was in great shape and I have taken advantage of this energy to accomplish several tasks that had been delayed. There is also the fact that I wanted to accompany this blog with a video clip of my party celebration. Quite a party that my wife organized in secret. There were more than 100 persons. She worked for three weeks on the organization and and typical of Marie-Josée everything was carefully planned. The highlight of the evening was the opening performance by the group Drum Cafe with all the guests. This agency specializes in corporate events so it was unusual for them to perform at a private party. This session of percussion by all these people with the facilitators were quite an experience. These vibrations penetrate the body and re-energizes us. Play the video in the blog that will follow and you'll get an idea. Of course experiencing it live is much more sensational but just by listening I hope you'll get a chill.
I received a lot of gift which I sincerely thank all the contributors. The piano is already installed and Jordan and Elodie have spent quite some time playing. Jordan has talent and we are looking for a teacher that comes to our house. Elodie also has a good ear. Tristan is more concerned about his computer at this time then music. It will come.
I said it during the evening but I repeat it here for those who have not had the opportunity to be present: my wife is extraordinary. For three weeks she managed to invite 110 people, coordinate their arrival at the cultural center of Lorraine, order and pick up the buffet at different suppliers, plan the performance of Drum Cafe (build a crescendo beginning with my children on stage, then my brothers and sisters followed by my wife's family and all my friends). The emotions was high and tears were shed.
Thank you to my wife and all those who were present. You made me live the most beautiful birthday of my life.

Check out the video in the next blog,