I just finished folding fifty pairs of socks. Any fan of this activity among you guys? People who thrive on folding socks...
I can't say it's my favorite activity, but if there is one one thing that MJ, my wife, lets me do without arguing it's that. Me, I let her do the dishes, laundry, grocery ... Finally, pretty much everything else that comes with managing the household. Folding the socks is a minor contribution.
It has gotten to the point where I have developed a method. I had to when 80% of our socks are navy blue or black. In fact the easiest part is Elodie's. They are brightly colored, like pink or purple, and smaller. The challenge is the boys'. My method is to group by colors first or should I say hues, less dark blue together, black in another package and the rest in a final package. Of course, beforehand, I separated the white and sports socks.
In the three dark socks piles, I separate again based on the "pattern" or style. Some are textured only on the upper half, others throughout the length. I can also subdivide based on fabric, polyester or cotton.
Then I take each package separately and spread each sock next to the other in line as for a military review. At this time the operation is done in a very bright light to properly detect the subtle differences in color. I begin to "pair" but sometimes there are still more than 2 socks that can form a pair. At this point I need to rely on my judgement and decide.
After this whole process always remains some orphans. Tonight ... about fifteen ophans are on the table. They will remain in the basket until the next batch unless I find their soul mate in a drawer, alone, awaiting a reunion.
I hope my story put a smile on your face. For me, it brought back memories of my youth. On Saturday evenings watching hockey it was the only personal contribution that my mother would ask of me in the management of her household: folding socks and face cloths on the kitchen table. I was not doing the dishes or my bed...