Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Chemo... #9

I am connected until tomorrow on my 9th chemo. Despite the Benadryl given in prophylaxis (to prevent), I still had a reaction towards the end of the infusion of Oxaliplatin. They injected a dose of Solu-cortef, to control the reaction without putting me to sleep like Benadryl. In my next chemo they will consult Dr. L. to know what to do. They could discontinue oxaliplatin, replace it with another product or use the alternate approach, which means treatment without OXA and treatment with. We'll see. Today fatigue is not so bad even if it is day 2 post-chemo. Perhaps tomorrow I will crash because the effect of Decadron stops.
Again we will see, one day at a time.

Read my next blog which I am writing at the moment on our trip to New York.

Good day to you all!

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