Thursday, October 21, 2010

Postponed chemo

Tuesday morning 6:00 am, Marie-Josée and I are en route for the hospital. As you know I must start my treatments by 7:30 am no later. Our eldest son is the babysitter for this morning. He is a certified babysitter now, with his two day seminar on babysitting and CPR.
I get into the hospital while my wife returns home to prepare lunches and snacks for the children and send them off to school. The third floor ward in oncology opens at 7:30 so I have time to go have breakfast at the hospital cafeteria.

7:30 am the first nurse shows up. She seems a bit surprise to see me there but since she knows how long my treatment is she tells me to go sit in one of the treatment rooms so she can set up my port-O-cath. When she comes in the room she asks me if the coordinating nurse left me a message. I say no. She them tells me that my neutrophils count (white blood cells) is too low so they won’t give me my chemo today. It is delayed for a week. To be sure, I wait for G, the scheduling nurse, to arrive. Upon her arrival she confirms that she left a message yesterday around 3:30 pm to say that upon consulting with Dr L., she rescheduled me for next week.

Conclusion my wife and I woke up early and travelled to the hospital for nothing.

I call MJ who has to get in traffic again to come and get me. It was a rock'n'roll morning for her. Plus it’s my fault because I did not get my Neupogen injection which serves to boost the number of white blood cells. I told my wife that I felt in top shape and thought that I did not need the injections…I was wrong.
You can be sure that this weekend MJ will inject me a couple of times with Neupogen so that next week I will have enough WBC to receive my chemo. Doigts croisés

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