Friday, September 19, 2008


I wanted to speak about courage because I received some messages congratulating me for mine.

But what is courage?
Eight words define the moral code of Judo as edicted by its founder Jigoro Kano, courage is one. The definition given in this moral code is: Courage is doing what is right. In the french Larousse dictionary ( that I losely translate here) it defines courage as strength of character, firmness when facing danger, suffering or any difficult situation.
Seen from this angle am I brave? Maybe.
On the other hand, to honor my parents, I don't know any other way to react to situations like this. They gave me the best possible example of courage so I don't have much merit. Especially because, as I said in another blog, I have an extraordinary support network. I have only one thing left to tackle it's to beat the cancer. Everything else my wife, my in-laws, my family and my friends are taking care of it.
The subject of courage was also inspired by a video that three of my friends at Pfizer have sent me. Pfizer has established a website called where you can see the video in question "Graffiti". Once you have you watched it you are invited to send an invitation to someone in exchange Pfizer will make a $ 5 donation to the Foundation for the Starlight Children. At my last glance, they were at $ 16,145. So I encourage you to watch it and send it to someone who inspires you courage.

Sometimes I am a little bit more serious but I am still smiling ...

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