Saturday, August 16, 2008

Finally Some Sun

Not that I am complaining but I admit that the last few days of sun are fully appreciated. The weather was perfect for the garden party at my sister's. I can not eat corn because of its known effect in the colon. Should I say more? I still practiced a visualization exercise while watching the family enjoy their corn on the cob. I closed my eyes and I could se myself with a hot corn on the cob with butter dripping on all sides on which I poured an excessive amount of salt. The late afternoon sun made it glisten like gold. I was turning the corn with my fingers to make sure that the butter had moisten all kernels. I was seeing myself taking a big bite out of this magnificent summer treat. I was so good in my visualization that I was drooling. Yeah right, I was still hungry but still. Bob's spaghetti sauce was excellent and my Ensure (liquid nutrition) plugged the remaining hole in my hunger.

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